Important Things to Know About Gambling Addiction

A person who has a problem with gambling will often need to bet more money to experience the same “high” as before. They then chase their losses, leading to a vicious cycle in which their craving for gambling increases and their ability to resist becomes weaker. Gambling addiction can affect both the individual and the person’s family, social and professional lives. It can be an incredibly destructive habit that can have severe long-term consequences. Here are some of the most important things to know about gambling addiction.

Problem gambling is an addictive disorder

Several methods for treating problem gambling have been used, including behavior-modifying therapies and activity scheduling. Other methods have proven effective, including desensitization. Research in behavior-modifying therapies is growing, and medications such as SSRIparoxetine and sustained-release lithium are available. The opioid antagonist drug nalmefene has been tried successfully for compulsive gambling. Metacognitive training has also been shown to be effective in treating compulsive gambling.

It can happen to anyone from any walk of life

There are numerous negative consequences of excessive gambling. It has been found that people who engage in gambling are more likely to commit suicide than non-gamblers. Those who commit suicide are more likely to have suffered from mental health issues in the past, and to have attempted to harm themselves. The good news is that there are various ways to overcome the negative effects of excessive gambling. If you are tempted to gamble, remember that it’s only a game of chance.

It can be harmful to one’s health

The negative effects of gambling on one’s health are numerous. People who are involved in too much gambling are at greater risk of developing mental health problems and committing suicide. Gamblers with mental health issues and those who regularly abuse drugs are also more likely to commit suicide. Suicide attempts are more likely in people who have previously attempted to commit suicide or have physically hurt themselves. If you believe that you or a loved one may be suffering from gambling problems, seek help immediately. Contact your local hospital or call 911 to seek assistance.

It can be treated

A gambling addiction can be treated in much the same way as any other addiction. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) helps individuals learn how to manage their behaviors and break unhealthy patterns. Other forms of therapy include self-help groups, which provide a safe environment for gamblers to confront their addiction. While the exact methods vary, some methods are more effective than others. If you’ve been struggling with your gambling habits for some time, you might benefit from a gambling-addiction support group.