The Economic Benefits and Costs of Gambling


The economic benefits and costs of gambling have largely been neglected in studies. While economic costs have been measured, the social costs are generally not. However, Walker and Barnett have formally defined social costs as those that result in negative social or economic impacts. Thus, the social costs of gambling are social rather than personal. Therefore, these social impacts are relevant to any economic and social study of gambling. However, the definition of social costs in the literature is not comprehensive.

Economic cost-benefit analysis

Whether or not gambling benefits society is not easy to quantify. The costs associated with gambling may not necessarily be “real,” and may vary widely across time, gambling venues, and types of gambling. Nonetheless, the benefits associated with gambling do have some benefits. For example, the costs attributed to gambling do not reflect additional expenditures incurred by society, but rather transfers from one problem category to another. As a result, economic cost-benefit analysis of gambling is crucial for identifying the true benefits and costs of problem gambling.

Treatment for gambling addiction

Treatment for gambling addiction can be a life-changing process for those who suffer from this condition. Once a simple pastime that people enjoyed, a gambling habit can turn into an unhealthy obsession. The consequences can be devastating: a person could lose their job, suffer from depression, or even steal money. Luckily, there are ways to deal with these problems. Treatment for gambling addiction is available at rehabilitation treatment programs. This article will explore some of the common symptoms of gambling addiction and how treatment can help you recover.

Impacts on crime

While the research on gambling and crime patterns is mainly focused on European countries, there are numerous other examples of its impact. In Finland, for example, problem gamblers were out of work for more than a month, and 30% reported receiving social benefits during the past year. While this lack of work may not be directly related to gambling, it has been shown in literature that problem gamblers report lower levels of work performance. In some cases, the results of these studies can lead to criminal acts in the workplace.


Socio-demographic factors such as age, gender, education level, employee contract and profession were measured for the sample. The data were also categorized according to profession, INSEE classification and gambling characteristics. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics including mean values, medians and percentages. A comparative analysis was also performed to examine whether a certain occupational group is more prone to gambling. The findings of this study were discussed below.

Social capital

Social capital is a resource that is closely related to social settings. It is divided into three main characteristics, including family, friends, and social friendships. The higher the social capital, the more satisfied an individual will be with his or her social life. In addition, social connections also contribute to a person’s sense of well-being, which is why a large part of our mental state is dedicated to social activity. But how do these factors influence gambling behavior?